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We have added this page to support businesses and causes that we know and trust. We have also included a link to a personal blog. The description of the link has been written by us and does not necessarily reflect the views of others.

A personal blog of an average Kiwi bloke describing the long  journey back to horse riding after an extended absence. Along the way the rider learns the ethos behind natural horsemanship and that his horse and wife had not actually teamed up to try and kill him. Yet.

Started last year by our friends Tracey and Malcolm these products are truly amazing, using only natural ingredients mainly from their goats and bees, this is 100% kiwi and natural.  We proudly support them on their journey of development of an amazing range of products. :)

I have followed this rescue group for nearly 2 years and i love what they do to rescue horses from the meat auctions in South California, but on top of that i really love their facebook page as they have truly created a villiage of followers who do amazing things to raise the money for responsible rescue...they are raw and Michele the founder herself says she has a 'potty mouth' they hold nothing back....i love these people and what they do...just by following them we raise awareness of their cause and of other discarded horses everywhere....

'Keeping it Country'  Another friend of ours has a great range of western clothing and gear with brands like Wrangler, Twisted X, Pure Western and Montana West at great prices.

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